Monday, December 17

Lost and Found!

It's been a while since my last post. Part of it was the busyness of Thanksgiving and Christmas and everything that goes with this time of the year. But more so was the fact that my digital camera was missing! We had our older camera that sucks batteries like crazy, takes blurry pictures, and is a pain to upload to the computer (hence the reason we bought the new camera!), so I avoid taking pictures with it. I had searched the house, the diaper bag, asked the boys, and even asked family if we had left it at their homes, but no camera. Kenny decided if we couldn't find it, then he would get me a new one for Christmas. But before we spent money on something we already had, and were sure would turn up just AFTER we bought a new one, Kenny wanted to search the house again. While I was out Christmas shopping, he tore the house apart for 2 hours, still no camera. While he was cleaning things up, he found the camera box behind our printer on our computer desk and decided to put the paperwork/manual away inside it. He opened the box and low and behold THE CAMERA! McKay is my 3 year old OCD child that likes to sort things and recently likes putting things in similar size boxes and bags. I'm almost positive he found this box with a picture of a camera and thought "I know the perfect thing to go in this box, the matching camera!" AAARRRGGGG! Anyway, now that I have a good camera again, I promise to be better about posting!


Michelle said...

That is so funny!!! It would drive me nuts. And the whole buying one and then finding it always happens to me!!!

Lorena said...

I just need to borrow McKay for a few days. I would love it if he could organize my house for me.

Cossebooms said...

Yeah, I'm glad you found it. I know you didn't really want to post anything if you didn't have pictures to go with it. I look forward to future posts.

Carter Family said...

I was wondering why you haven't been posting. Yay!! Just in time for Christmas.

Hatch's said...

McKay is awesome! Good boy cleaning and helping Mom and Dad...we OCD folk get no respect!

meghannamarie said...

Good to have you back! I am so glad you found the camera! Now I will check your blog more often again. Monica said to put more pics of Brayden. I tink we all need to see McKay more!

Mechelle said...

Yay for cameras!! I just got my new one, upgraded finnaly from the stone age of film! I am still getting used to it though, so no pics just yet. I am tagging you, just go to my blog and see what you have to do! Can't wait to see what you have to say :)

ilm3ib said...

That is so funny. I'm glad you found yours... Merry Christmas... see you next year!

ilm3ib said...

That is so funny. I'm glad you found yours... Merry Christmas... see you next year!