Saturday, April 10

Pinewood Derby!

Ryan got to do his first official pinewood derby (Kenny helped him make a couple in years past with Tyler, but he didn't get to race them). Kenny was working late most nights and weekends, so Uncle Taylor helped Ryan cut it out. Then Ryan had to work on sanding it down smooth. He was very excited about it! We haven't had very good luck with the spray paint before. It always comes out sticky or bubbly. This year we wanted to try the skins you can buy at the scout shop and hobby stores. It works like a giant sticker tattoo, but it is very thin and rips easily. Kenny helped him with the wheels and I helped him finish his car.

As cub committee chair, I was the one to count down and start each race. Ryan did a great job and we think came in 4th place. Maybe by the time Brayden's in scouts we will be experts and he will win?