Tuesday, April 22

Brayden's First Tooth!

Saturday night, Brayden was fussing during Ryan's movie night, and he kept pulling on my hands to chew on my fingers. I started feeling along his gums and felt the tiniest poke along the bottom. Sure enough, his first tooth had broken through! It must not hurt too bad 'cause he would still let me look at it and touch it. But, I think the other one next to it will be coming through any day because he's getting more protective of it and he keeps running his tongue over it. On one hand it's about time, he's almost 8 months and has been drooling since he was 2 months, although my kids usually teeth late. On the other hand. I want my baby to stay little as long as possible. Now I just have to keep him from biting me while nursing! OUCH!


meghannamarie said...

He is soooo cute!! I am glad that tooth finally came through! Emie bit me all the time and I did everything you are supposed to and it didn't work I guess I could have stopped nursing, nah that would have been to easy or not!

TheTennesseeWilliams said...

Oooh he is soo dang cute! I miss him! Kiss him for me!