Tuesday, April 21

11th Anniversary at Disneyland!

On Saturday, our 11th wedding anniversary began at 5:00 am, loading up the car with kids and luggage and on our way to our favorite place, DISNEYLAND for the week! Around 2:00 pm, we checked into the hotel and headed straight to the park! We all stayed and played until 11:00 pm, then went back to the hotel to crash! Not the most romantic day, but a great day spent with our favorite people!! Kenny also surprised me with a new camera for the trip! The boys even took a picture of just the two of us (after a very long hot day) in front of the castle! How sweet! Love you, babe!


Hatch's said...

Glad to have you back...Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday Kenny, Happy Birthday Ryan and Happy Having-Your-Husband/Father-Back-In-Your-Life...