Friday, May 29

My New Calling

I officially have a calling in our new ward... Cub Committee Chair. As far as I understand, I'm responsible for tracking the boys progress and advancement as well as purchasing and providing the badges and awards for pack meeting. Basically I'm the cub scout secretary. That I can do. I struggle with scouts, so maybe this will help me understand it more. With four boys, I know I will be spending lots of time with the scouts. Maybe I will learn to love it.


Hatch's said...

You always post so many new posts at the same time... I love reading your blog. Yay for all the new recent posts about the boys etc...and (not to be the devil's advocate, but) good luck with the scouting calling!

Carter Family said...

Wow Cub Scouts finally got you. I hope you enjoy your new calling. You should learn a lot about scouts and help all those boys. You will be good at it.

Taylor and Kristin Williams said...

you need a new post. :)