Tuesday, October 21

Look Who's Walking!

Brayden had been cruising around holding onto the furniture, and was very steady standing in place for a couple months. We seemed pretty content with that until the week before Conference when he started taking 2 or 3, then 3 or 4 steps at a time before dropping to his knees to crawl. When we went to Thatcher, he really started getting brave! It's funny, he would laugh the whole time and then fall because he got too excited (or his brother's knocked him down!). Anyway, I took some pics and video of it after we got home, but didn't realize I couldn't rotate it later; so sorry for the sideways video clips!

Don't mind the naked baby, he'd just finished eating breakfast.

He looks kinda like a cowboy in a showdown with his bowed legs. Now he's walking all over the place and has straightened out more. But he's so proud, grinning like "Look what I can do!"


Hatch's said...

He cracks me up! Good job Brayden!

TheTennesseeWilliams said...

Aww, Good job buddy, hes so freakin cute!