Wednesday, June 4

Utah Trip - Part 1

We drove home from Thatcher Saturday afternoon, only to repack and prepare for our trip to Utah early Sunday morning, for Kenny's brother, Danny's Wedding on Tuesday in SLC. We were planning on staying with my sister and brother in law, Kristin and Taylor in Provo. On our drive from Safford, we got a call that Kristin was in the hospital after having an emergency appendectomy because her appendix burst that morning! Taylor said we could still stay at their apartment but they would both be at the hospital for several more days. I was glad we could go see her and try to help her!

We caravaned with Megan and Justin and made pretty good time up to Flagstaff. But just past Flag there was a fatal accident between a semi-truck and a mini-van, shutting down the highway. We sat for about 30 minutes when we noticed people traveling along a dirt trail a little ways off the highway. When we found out we would be waiting over 3 hours for the highway to re-open, we decided to take the trail. It took about 20 minutes to drive the couple mile stretch, and was very bumpy and dusty, but was well worth it! Other than that, the drive was pretty uneventful (thank goodness)!

Our dusty detour

We finally made it to my brother, Wes' house in Spanish Fork about 7pm, just in time for a yummy Sunday dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes and veggies! So good after the drive! We visited with his family for a bit, then Wes took us to Krissy and Taylor's house to get Kenny and the kids settled and I went to the hospital to see Krissy.

She was doing alright, but not great. She had originally gone to the emergency room on Friday morning because she had a lot of stomach pain and had been vomiting for 2 days straight. They said the tests were inconclusive and sent her home with some morphine. Of course the pain returned after the medication wore off and it got worse over night, so they went back to the ER on Saturday when they did a CT scan and found her appendix had burst. They did labroscopic surgery and actually removed it through her belly-button (didn't know you could do that!) and even gave her pictures of the surgery. She had alot of pain from the toxins released into her system when her appendix burst, as well as the actual surgery, so she was on pain medication that made her loopy, but also nauseous. The nurse on duty used to work in surgery, and looked at the pictures of her surgery and told her that her appendix looked very bad with discoloration and a lot of sores on it that were most likely leaking toxins into her body for quite sometime. When she checked in, they told her that her white blood cell count was over 21,000, and on Sunday night she was down to 18,000. The nurse told us it should be below 10,000 and most healthy people are around 6 or 8,000. He also told us about his son who was once sick and had a blood count of 18,000 and the hospital wouldn't release him to go to another hospital unless they transported him because it was so deadly! He was very surprised they hadn't found it on Friday (our thoughts exactly!). Yikes!

Krissy and our nieces Ashley and Brittany
And her yucky surgery pics

On Monday we took the boys down to the hospital to visit Krissy and TayNor (as Mckay calls him), which was a little hectic with 4 little boys and a small hospital room, so we didn't stay long. Then we went to Wes' house for a Memorial Day BBQ, Yummy! We ate and watched movies and I took a little nap. Later we met Kenny's family at Chuck E Cheese's in Orem for dinner. Kenny's Uncle Mike was in town for the wedding so it was a good chance to visit with him and Danny and Gwen before the wedding. Also to let the kids run and play since it was raining most of the day. Everyone had a lot of fun and the kids ended up with over 1000 tickets!


meghannamarie said...

YEAH finally it looks great! Sounds like we had fun too!

Hatch's said...

You need to specify in the pic of the kids feeding the tickets into the machine that I am an adult...just kidding!!! Darn growing kids!

Hatch's said...

Also I had no idea that you took a dirt trail as the detour. I thought it was a road. WOW! Good pics of that b/c no one would believe you without them!

Taylor and Kristin Williams said...

K there were a few numbers off in your blog so I thought I'd correct them. :) On Saturday morning, my white blood cell count was 26,300. A normal person's white blood cell count is about 3,000-4,000. On Sunday it was down to 18,000 then 15K on Monday, then 8,000 on Tuesday. They kept me in the hospital until Thursday because the only thing I was able to keep down from Thursday until Wednesday was one orange popsicle plus I started to run a triple digit fever and they didn't want me to get pnemonia. So, I also had to do breathing exercises for my lungs. Then they also told me that a normal person's appendix is about the size of a pinky but mine was about the size of a twinkie. BUT, I'm doing great now and only have one more dr appt on Friday. AND I'll never get appendicitis again!! WHOO HOO!